Jackson Kamanyi


Contact Infos

: jacksonk@rightsempower.org
: #
: Room 16, 4th floor, Wagenya building, Wagenya street : Kinshasa-Gombe, DRC


Jackson Kamanyi Kubanayi is a Consultant with the RightsEmpower Law Firm & Consultancy. He is an Expert, Researcher and Teacher in Information and Communication Sciences at the University of Kinshasa. He has been pursuing his doctoral studies since 2017 at the University of Ottawa... With extensive experience in organizational communications and journalism, he has worked for the benefit of the communications actions and projects of several organisations in the DRC and in Canada and organizations. He is a Master of Ceremony (MC) and specialized, since 2009, in environmental communication and analysis and monitoring of corporate social responsibility.

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(+243) 82-78-444-42